
Full Name:OSHINOWO, Agboola

OSHINOWO, Agboola was born in Lagos. on Feb. 22, 1947 . She is the Artist .
She was a Teacher, International School, University of Lagos, Lagos.
OSHINOWO, Agboola in her field.
Biography details for OSHINOWO, Agboola
Full Name– OSHINOWO, Agboola.
Name of Spouse– Kolade Adekunle Oshinowo.
Date of Birth– Feb. 22, 1947.
Place of Birth– Lagos..
Address– International School, University of Lagos, Yaba, Lagos..
Profession– Artist.
Previous Appointment– Teacher, International School, University of Lagos, Lagos..
Memberships– Society of Nigerian Artists..
Tetiary Education– Attended Yaba College of Technology; BA, Ahmadu Bello University, 1973, specializing in painting; MEd, University of Lagos, 1990.
Category– Arts.