Full Name:AJAYI, Dr. Sefiya Titi
AJAYI, Dr. Sefiya Titi on Dec. 29, 1950 . She is the . veterinary parasitologist, public administrator,
She was a Education Officer. Women Teacher's College, Katsina, 1969- 70; Biology Instructor, St. Joseph's College, Vom, Plateau State, 1974- 75; Deputy din/ag. Head, Technological Services Department. National Productivity Centre, Lagos. 1991-93; din/Head, Technological Services Department, National Productivity Centre 1994-96; Chief Research Officer, National Veterinary Research Institute. Vom, 1995; ag. dg. National Productivity Centre, 1994-96; dg/ceo. National Productivity Centre. Abuja, since 1996; ch: Special Committee on National Economic Recovery, Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity. 1993
AJAYI, Dr. Sefiya Titi in her field.
Biography details for AJAYI, Dr. Sefiya Titi
Full Name– AJAYI, Dr. Sefiya Titi.
Date of Birth– Dec. 29, 1950.
Address– National Productivity Centre, 1498, Abidjan Street, Zone 3. Wuse. Abuja,.
Profession– . veterinary parasitologist, public administrator,.
Previous Appointment– Education Officer. Women Teacher's College, Katsina, 1969- 70; Biology Instructor, St. Joseph's College, Vom, Plateau State, 1974- 75; Deputy din/ag. Head, Technological Services Department. National Productivity Centre, Lagos. 1991-93; din/Head, Technological Services Department, National Productivity Centre 1994-96; Chief Research Officer, National Veterinary Research Institute. Vom, 1995; ag. dg. National Productivity Centre, 1994-96; dg/ceo. National Productivity Centre. Abuja, since 1996; ch: Special Committee on National Economic Recovery, Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity. 1993.
Hobbies– reading, intellectual discussions, documentaries, socialising, religion.
Educational Qualification and Date– B.Sc. M.Sc. M.Phil, Ph.D.
Memberships– National Veterinary Research Institute Staff School Management Committee, 1980-91, National Veterinary Research Institute Works and Housing Committee, 1985-91; v-presd. National Veterinary Research Institute Senior StaffAssociation, Vom Branch. 1984-88; mm: Nigerian Society for Parasitology; Entomological Society of Nigeria; Nigerian Society for Immunology; Biotechnology Society of Nigeria; Science Association of Nigeria;.
Phone– 09-5237753, 5230682.'.
Primary Education– Our Lady's Primary School. Kaduna, 1957-61.
Secondary Education– 1967; Federal School of Science. Lagos, 1970-71.
Tetiary Education– University of Lagos, Akoka, 1971-74; Atlanta University. Georgia. United States. 1977-79; University of Jos, 1985- 90Bauchi Township School. Bauchi, 1955-56; ; Queen of Apostle's College. Kakuri. Kaduna 1962- 66; Queen Elizabeth's School. Ilorin..
Category– Administration.